Monday, January 30, 2006

[Lunar New Year Celebration]

Today is the 2nd day of the Lunar New Year. Had the guests over (just the in-laws and the brother's family) on Saturday, which was the new year's eve, for a family dinner together (a Lunar New Year tradition).

Original plan for Saturday was to get up early, something like 8am, to get things rolling. But but but ... we didn't go to bed until around 4am the night before so I snoozed until around 9am. Hubby went to pick up the car from the garage and me at home prepared to get sweaty and dirty in the kitchen. Listed and priotized what tasks to do in the am and what to be done just before the guests arrive. Everything went according to plan (phew~~~)... until ... the phone rang (~1:45pm)... it was the brother asking if it's ok that they come an hour early.

%*&!$#(*&_^@ WHAT??? Coming AN HOUR early? That means they'll be here at around 3pm instead of 4pm (on the invitation). Mannn... I'm truly not impressed. There's nothing I can do about it, but I'm not impressed!! It's easier for them to decide to come an hour early but have they thought of with their early arrival, the hosts will have to keep them entertained instead of being able to get things ready as what hosts planned to do mostly??!!

So, for the next hour or so I was scrambling and tumbling in the kitchen. I started complaining to the hubby about their punctuality manner - - - arriving an hour early messed up my schedule of what to do first/later and when to do them. He tried to calm me down as I was getting antsy and agitated, he said:

"I told them it's ok to come early, but I didn't say I'm going to let them in straightaway."
"Look... it's totally their right and freedom to come early, yet it's our right and decision whether to let them in."


- Yes, the guests did arrive early and no, we didn't let them out in the cold. It'd be rude!! >!<
- Snacks & Starter and dinner were served on time, and went well in our perspective. ^.^
- Only one little imperfection tho', one of the couples were giving each other cold looks throughout the entire gathering. "_"
- Other than that ... everybody had a great time celebrating the arrival of a lunar new year! ^m^


左圖的那束紅玫瑰花是頭家送的. =))

Thursday, January 26, 2006


看!! 不少好吃的點心吧!?
這啊都要歸功于我頭家. 他是我 officially appointed 的零食採購長. 大爺他買零食的功力還真不是蓋的 - - - 連我這個零食女皇都汗顏, 唉...

他哦就是可以選購一些很特別又很好吃的東東. 自從發現了他這個天份後, 現在凡我們去逛超市我都點名他去零食/餅乾部採購, 然後我則去買我的魚菜肉 .

左: 既精美又很好吃的酥餅. 頭家選了牧草酥 (左) 和 鳳梨酥 (右). 本來買這兩盒, 一盒是要送禮的可是因為他老婆我很喜歡那個盒子所以就只好都留著自己吃.

右: 年貨點心 ... 這只是其中的 2/3 而已. 這裡面有: 芥末味的海苔卷﹑麻 (草頭) 佬(米邊)﹑海苔跟原味煎餅﹑日式 mix rice cracker (兩種), 麥香夾心酥, 巧果 ... 啊, 幸福啊!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

[Can I wear this to bed too?]

pic src:

Yes this is what Miss Sharapova wore in court (played compatriot Petrova on Jan 24 and Henin-Hardenne on Jan 26) at the Australian Open.

This is probably one of the ugliest tennis dress I've ever seen!!! YEAP! Even uglier than what the Williams sisters wear in court. I couldn't make up exactly what the dress is - - - is it a tennis dress? or a dance gown? For some reason, I keep on seeing Elizabeth Bennet (in Pride and Prejudice mini-series by BBC, played by Jennifer Ehle) everytime the camera focused on her. Except, Sharapova's tennis dress is: 1) a lot shorter and 2) has spaghetti strings instead of the short/long sleeves that Elizabeth Bennet wore.

When I asked my husband what he sees in Sharapova's tennis dress. He said it looks like one of the nighties I wear to bed. Hooo Hooo Hooo ... now that's a bit harsh!! He said, maybe she hit the snooze button that morning and slept in. Didn't realized about the time and had to rush out to the court without changing into "something more appropriate".

Personally, I couldn't stand watching (or listening to) Sharapova plays, the noise that she makes is just pure irritating! My husband (the harsh Sharapova critic) said watching her plays is like watching a porn movie - the revealing dress and the yelling/screaming she makes everytime she hits the ball are perfect ingredients for porn movie!!

The one on the front left is Elizabeth Bennet.
img src:

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

[Coming Attraction: 年夜飯]

啊... 再過幾天就是農曆除夕夜嘍. 今年我們一早就跟大家約了今年來我們家圍桌吃年夜飯. 這將是第一次跟大家一起過年﹑一起吃年夜飯 ... 所以說真的也不曉得到時會是怎麼一番情景. 只能 hope for the best 吧, 我想.

So... 為了準備 8 個人的餐點﹐ 我於三個多星期前就開始籌劃下個禮拜六的年夜飯. 因為頭家的弟弟吃素再加上有兩個小朋友的關係, 餐點方面就要顧及素食跟 kids-friendly 的菜餚. 目前計劃好要做的菜是 2 道餐前小點 + 6 道主菜 + 1 道甜點. 總共9道, 長長 9 9, 嗯... 不錯先討個好兆頭!! =)

這是頭家寫賀卡給他的 in-laws (就是我爸媽﹑哥嫂和姪兒女) 時拍的.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

[Coffee & Chocolates]

My beloved milk chocolate coffee beans!!
This is for those who enjoy coffee (or addicted to coffee, rather) and love chocolates (or chocoholic, =)) ! I used to buy and eat this very often - - - the chocolate coated coffee beans (whole bean, mind you) when I lived in NZ. Can buy them at the regular supermarket. But after searching high and low, I haven't seen anything like this here in the States. Quite disappointing, really!

Then, one day when we're out grocery shopping at our local supermarket, I saw this little boxes labelled "Milk Chocolates Coffee Beans" I knew straightaway it's what I've been looking for. I can't remember the exact price, but I think it's somewhere around $3. If you enjoy coffee as much as chocolates, you really should try this. It is really really NICE!!

[OK 棒棒指]

嗯... 這是前兩天刨薑的時候被那不長眼的刀子割傷的. 還好傷口不大, 不過蠻深的就是了. 割傷了就自己乖乖的貼了 OK 棒後又繼續做菜. 吃飯的時候我就獻寶式的亮起我的左手給頭家看 ...

厚! 他看了一眼後就叫說:
"啊... 怎麼了? 是誰? 是誰傷了我二員大將?"

天啊... 他當時的表情說有多耍寶就有多耍寶, 讓我差一點笑到滾到地上去. 哎, 可惜沒及時把它錄影起來. =((

認識我的人看到我貼滿 OK 棒的手指都已不足為奇了 ... 不認識或認識不深的看了可能會以為我有自虐的傾向 - - - 有事沒事往自己的手指割著玩.

記得有一次跟一個朋友見面, 她一看到我手上貼了三張 OK棒就很緊張的問我怎麼了. 我笑笑跟她說是不小心割到的. 看她的表情似不怎麼相信這個回覆 ... 又追問是怎麼割傷的. 頭家
當時也 有在場, 她問這問題的時候有看了一下下頭家 ... 給我的感覺是好像她 somehow 在懷疑是被頭家弄傷的. 急得我趕快解釋說是我自己在做菜的時候割到的 ... 說一說之後她 (看起來) 疑心才慢慢的消掉. 唉 ... 我想可能因為美國這裡家暴頻繁的程度導致成大家都杯弓蛇影的心態吧.

還有一次, 因為割傷了中指貼了 OK棒後手指的上半段不能彎曲, 還被朋友笑說我見人就比中指.
還有一個朋友更絕, 叫我開車時要記得把中指收好別讓隔壁或迎面而來的車子看到, 要不然人家會以為我對著他們比中指咧. 厚!!

Saturday, January 21, 2006


這是上上個星期煮來禦寒的甜酒雞. 超級容易做!

雞腿 或 全雞
麻油, 少許
鹽巴, 少許
*米酒跟糯米酒的比例是 1:2


1. 雞肉洗淨後加米酒﹑糯米酒﹑麻油﹑鹽巴﹑薑片醃 2 ﹑3 個小時.
2. 將花菇﹑金針菜和杞子用溫水泡軟. 置一旁.
3. 用大火蒸 30 ~ 45分鐘後即可上桌.
4. 那甜酒湯淋飯很香哦!


Thursday, January 19, 2006

[Miss Aubergine]

Eggplant or aubergine (more commonly called in Europe) is now officially my husband's fav vegie. But ... according to, tho' commonly thought of as a vegie, eggplant/aubergine is actually a fruit (a berry, specifically). Ummm... vegie or fruit, my husband just loooves eggplant dishes these days!!

This is the eggplant/aubergine dish I made that he begins to, helplessly, fall in love with Miss Aubergine (Mmmm... I think Miss Aubergine sounds better and more feminine than Miss Eggplant =)). I made the same dish again 2wks ago ... without any surprises, Miss Aubergine received the same reception from my husband like the first time they met - full attention & attraction, tender, loving, care ... ahhh... my eyes were turning greener and greener that they can spike anything or anyone for that matter with the green ray!!

HOLD ON!!! Something is not right here!! Why the heck am I envy a vegie (or fruit rather) for? I'm not that desperate, am I? Am I?

OK OK OK ... enough with the envious emotion. Here's the recipe to the irresistible Miss Aubergine (at least to my husband it is, hehehe...)

aubergine/eggplant, in cubes
garlic, finely chopped but not minced
ginger, thinnly sliced
pork slices (season with pepper powder+lite soy sauce+cornflour)

oyster sauce+soy sauce+chilli bean sauce+sugar, mixed well

1. Giving oil treatment to the eggplant cubes. Meaning lightly panfried the eggplant. It has a spongelike capacity to soak up the oil, so don't be alarm if the eggplant seems to just soak up the amount of cooking oil you've added. Once it's cooked (became soft and color changed to light brown), it'll "spit" out all the oil.
2. Add garlic and ginger to your pan (no need to add cooking oil as the pan should be well coated from (1)), til slightly browned.
3. Stir in the pork slices, cook for ~1min, then add the cooked eggplant and the sauce into the pan. Keep stirring so all the eggplant and pork slices are well coated with the sauce.
4. Cook for another ~5mins, keep stirring, before dishing up.
5. Garnish with spring onions.

** This dish goes really well with steamed rice. Give it a go!!


約一星期前收到一個朋友的轉寄, 貼出來給大家做個參考.

2005.04.24  中國時報 歐陽英


1 金針菜 先泡兩小時煮熟進食

2 茄子 經期及脾胃虛寒者別吃

3 芋頭 有痰、過敏體質者不宜

4 韭菜 性溫熱酒後不要吃
等等病患,不宜進食。 韭菜的纖維特粗,有消化道疾病或

5 菠菜 避免與高鈣食物同食

6 白蘿蔔 慢性胃炎等患者要避食

7 山藥 婦科腫瘤者不宜再吃
更嚴重。 山藥多吃會促進人體分泌賀爾蒙,對一般人有益,

8 薑 薑一腐爛 便要丟棄

9 馬鈴薯 發芽與綠皮馬鈴薯勿買

10 番茄 未成熟番茄含龍葵素


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

[新發現_Piccomolo Italian Ice Cream]

這新發現是去年除夕那天去頭家弟弟家過年的路上發現的. 依稀記得當時我們距離目的地只有約5分鐘的車程, 停在交通燈前 (當時是紅燈) ... 我尖叫了一聲 "Piccomolo" ... 然後緊接著又叫 "Italian Ice Cream". 如往常一般, 頭家被這突如其來且又具有相當震撼力的尖叫聲給嚇到了 (眼角似有看到我頭家震了那麼一下下... 嘻嘻嘻). 反應很快很機智的頭家在聽到他老婆喊 "Italian Ice Cream" 時就迅速的把方向盤往左邊甩去以便綠燈時可立刻轉入 Piccomolo (厚! 還差一點把我也一併甩出去呢說).

啊... 那前後不過一分鐘多一點點的等待 (等待紅燈轉綠燈) 說有多難過就有多難過. 那被卡在車上的我已按捺不住那股興奮那股狂躍.

頭家一停好車子, 我就連跑帶滾的撞進冰淇淋店裡. 一看到那五顏六色﹑花花綠綠﹑千奇百怪的冰淇淋 ... 接下來發生什麼事我是一點記憶也沒有. 當天唯一記得的是我們買了一盒綜合冰淇淋跟大家共享(共有五種口味: 歹勢! 因為當天的特殊情況我只記得其中的三種 -> cookie&cappucino, mango&peach 和 peanut butter). 我們另外給自己買了一個 2 scoop 的 waffle cone, 選的口味是 pistachio 和 almond & caramel.

哎, 真是好(第四聲)吃啊...

後記: 頭家說下次也要買一盒五味綜合的回家慢慢享用. =)

圖片和英文版的貼文在此: New Year's Eve Discovery

Piccomolo Italian Ice Cream
12914 F.M. 1960 Rd. W. Ste.A
Houston, Tx 77388

Monday, January 16, 2006

[Fav Appetizers_#1]

Ahhh... isn't this a nice platter of appetizers? =)

Ok... this is how I did it.

1. Dig out pictures of your fav appetizers. To have a colourful platter, make sure you have a mixture of colour.
2. Chopped them up in cubes. Make sure they are of same size for an equal time of cooking, plus it gives a nice presentation too.
3. Arrange them on your favourite sampler plate with a formation of 3x4 or smaller or bigger, whatever that you fancy, really.
4. Voi
·là!! Enjoy with a glass of red wine. Or... if you're like me, pour a glass of white to go with that gigantic platter that you just created. =))

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

[New Year's Eve Discovery]

Made this discovery as we're on the way to my husband's brother's place in the NW of Houston for a new year family gathering. About 5mins from the destination ... right in front of the traffic lights (it was red light) ... I yelled out "Piccomolo" followed by "Italian Ice Cream"!!! Mannn... as always, my high pitchrd voice (and loud too! mind you!!) shocked my husband who was fully concentrated on the traffic in front of and beside us. When he heard his dear wife yelled out "Italian Ice Cream" he reacted with a quick swing to the left lane (almost thrown me outta the car in the process!!!) so he can turn into Piccomolo when the light went green.

That whole a minute and a half of waiting for the light to turn green was as long as it can be. I can hardly content the excitement for being trapped in the car.

I made the quickest dash into the shop as soon as my husband parked the car. The rest ... I ... errr... can't remember. The only memory I have of that afternoon was we bought a box of ice-cream combo (5 flavors: honestly I can only remember 3/5 flavors that we picked:
cookies&cappucino , mango & peach, and peanut butter) for everybody and 2 scoops (1 flavor each: pistachio and almond&caramel, I think) on a waffle cone for the two of us, just the two of us. =)

We've decided that the next time we see a Piccomolo, we're gonna buy a tub of 5-flavor combo for ourself, too!

Look at the blue sunny sky! It's a perfect ice cream day.

Piccomolo Italian Ice Cream
12914 F.M. 1960 Rd. W. Ste.A
Houston, Tx 77388

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


與其說這是 episode 2, 其實這些相片是去燈會前拍的.
那天我們一邊急著出門買東西; 一邊又趕著要去看燈飾, 所以晚餐沒吃 (嘻, 也沒煮) 就出門去了.
買了該買的東西, 頭家就開車到附近的一個 mall 裡看看有什麼可以買了在車上吃的. 晃了晃 ... 我大老遠的就看到一家打著 "手工巧克力" 霓虹燈廣告的糖果店. 在紐西蘭時常逛 (不瞞說: 也常吃) 一家手工巧克力店, 所以我知道手工巧克力的特別 + 精緻, 當然它的價錢也比一般巧克力要貴許多. 一般上是用秤賣的, 而且還是從最低的重量制算起 - 如: $x/g 或 $x/oz.

pic#1: 看! Handmade Chocolates & Ice Cream. 我啊就是被這廣告吸引住的!!

pic#2: 巧克力店的另一角 - - - 一包包一盒盒包裝得很有聖誕氣息的巧克力跟糖果.

pic#3: 徵聘廣告 - 頭家問我有沒有興趣. 我說我如果到那裡上班, 我的薪水會都花在巧克力跟冰淇淋上. 嘻嘻嘻...

[My Christmas (2005) Present]

Mannn ... I know it's a little bold, but I don't think there's anybody out there who gets a Christmas present as big n' mobile as the one I got from my sweetie husband.

Way way before Christmas ... I had been whinning about needing a more spacious kitchen for the stuff that had started to pile up on one of the corners. For that we'd been shopping around for a shelf to store my kitchen precious n' treasures and his "junks" (heheheheee...) but we can't seen to find one that we like - - - it's either too tall or too short, or when we miraculously found one of the height that we want, it can't fit into where we wanna put it. All in all, it'd been a long hunting process for, what we thought, a simple kitchen shelf.

Anyhoo... about 1.5wks before Christmas ... he decided to build one himself. This way we could have it the way we want it to be. So... the Saturday before Christmas eve, we went to Lowe's to buy all the materials needed for building the shelf. After that ... he worked pretty much day n' night on it. Every morning, way before I was up, he's already out and about working on the shelf; and every night I pretty much had to drag his butt to bed or he would still be working, well into the wee hour!

After a week of hard work - measuring, sawing, drilling, and hammering, on top of everythingelse ... we finally have a kitchen shelf that we like in term of design and size. Obviously, I knew he's building the shelf, so there's no surprise there. What surprised me was what I saw being engraved on!! Look!!

left: actual engraving
right: charcoal trace on the engraved characters after they were done
He engraved "Hanzi" characters (or mandarin characters) saying: From Oxie To Piggie (note: oxie is him and piggie is me). Originally he was gonna engrave "A Christmas Present From Oxie To Piggie" ... but one character would take him 30 ~ 45mins to do (or a lilttle longer for more complicated characters ... amazing, isn't it?!) which means, the whole clause would take him at least 6hrs to finish! I stopped him from any further engraving when I found out how long each character took him. I told him if he wants, he could add the characters later. Mmmm... he actually suggested that maybe he'll find a way to add a removable plate onto where the engraving was being done on ... this way ... he could customize it to say: "A Birthday Present From Oxie To Piggie" or "A Valentine's Day Present From Oxie To Piggie", etc. Of course... he got a kick on the behind for that! =))

note1: The engraving was done on a "real-time basis" ... meaning ... no tracing or writing on the wood before carving. So ... if an extra stroke was mistakenly carved, that was it!! It's truly work of a professional!

note2: My husband used to carve stone stamps as a hobby. I guess that's why the engraving on the shelf was piece of cake to him.

Monday, January 09, 2006


哦... 不好意思, 有點過期... =(
聖誕節/新年前後都在忙一些瑣碎事, 沒去整理這些相片. Then again ... better late than never (遲到好過不到), right?

這些是去年 (去年??? 那只不過不到一個月前的事, 可是怎麼好像好遙遠以前?) 我們去聖誕節燈會的相片.

地點是從我們家開車去約 10 ~ 15mins 車程的 Hermann Park 裡.
每年從12 月初到平安夜前一天 ... 整個公園都打扮的美美﹑亮亮的﹐還有好好聽的聖誕聖歌. 啊 ... 音樂一響, 那些牽了彩燈的樹看似乎也跟著跳起舞來。 =))

pic#1: 燈飾公園的入口處. 看! 樹伯伯們都穿起了亮麗的褲子.

pic#2: 跟住在公園的鴨子共享我的 cupcake !!

pic#3: 從公園的一頭拍鑲了小燈泡的拱門。 拱門是建在一個人造湖的中心.
燈節時公園裡還有 "小踩船" (paddle boat - 就是要用腳踩才會動的那種) 出租.
還有不少小攤位 - 賣吃的﹑用的﹑玩的都有.

pic#4: 近拍鑲滿小燈泡的拱門。

Friday, January 06, 2006

[18 小時網路斷魂誌]

過去這 18 個小時實在是太可怕了說。。。
Well... 我家頭家昨早安裝了一個我們買了一年多的 wireless router (記得好像是去年感恩節特價時買的﹐ 還免錢咧) ... 也不曉得問題出在哪裡﹐裝好後網路就完完全全的斷了線。 頭家就開始上下左右的在 router configuration 上調換一些 setting。 厚~ 這樣一弄就弄了好幾個小時 ... 弄得好也就罷了﹐可那混球 router 就是不給面子 - - - 還是拒絕接網路。 頭家這時是越弄越鬱卒了!! 這一大半我在猜是因為他老婆大人我因為沒有網路突然間就閑了下來
沒事幹 (早上是我上網的主要時間之一) 開始在一旁發呆﹑耍寶. 他哦就算不為他老婆我把網路修好也要為他自己的精神著想 - - - 他老婆要是這樣發呆耍寶發呆耍寶下去他不起笑才怪咧!!

Anyway... 看他弄了一個早上又大半個下午還沒什麼進展就叫他別弄了. 休息了一下下後倆人在聊天的時候才發現我們大半天在接的不是 wireless router - modem, 而是 wireless router - wired router (原有的). 也不曉得怎麼搞的, 我們倆人竟都把 wired router 誤認為 modem. 真是有夠豬頭!! 以為問題就出在這裡, 頭家就 back to square 1, 開始 plug/unplug/plug. 一直弄到吃完晚飯後還在弄 ...

我後來跑去看電視, 看看看看到睡著. 間中頭家去看我幫我墊腳時有醒來那麼一下下 ... 問他近況如何他說還是不行 (頭家這時已把 wireless router 拆掉, 接回原來的 router 了), 要我明天打電話到我們的網路公司去跟他們問問看. 答好後又倒頭繼續睡 ... 一直到又醒過來那時已是凌晨兩點多, 頭家還在忙他的 project. 我無心的說不曉得我們網路公司的 helpdesk 這個時候有沒有人在, 頭家問說我要不要起來打電話看看. 已醒了6﹑7 分的我為了我的網路連接著想就跳起來打電話. 咦... 這時候還真有人在, 跟她說了我們的問題, 她也給了我們解決的方法. 可是還是不行!! 好, 再打電話回去跟她問 ... 這次換頭家跟她講, 她也開了好一些處方, 還是不行. 試了幾次都苦無結果後她那邊也換人來跟頭家講. 這人跟頭家講了約 20 ~ 30 分鐘後, 噢... 網路就接通了!! 嘩... 真是太興奮了!!! 久違了的網路又重回我們的懷抱嘍~~~

不過不過... 這時已是凌晨 4 點多了. =( 頭家看了一下 email 後就去睡覺覺了, 我呢就自動請纓當他的鬧鐘 - - - 頭家早上還有個 9am meeting, 我怕如果倆個人都在這時跑去睡又鬧鐘叫不醒的話, 耽誤了他的 meeting 那就糟了. 加上我才剛睡醒沒幾個小時 ... 所以我來當鬧鐘是再恰當不過了. 再再再加上我還可以以當鬧鐘為由上網+貼文. 何樂而不為呢?? =))

就是它!!! NETGEAR wireless router 讓我們的網路斷了一整天的線.

我還是認為是這 router 一開始就決定跟我們過不去。 開玩笑! 以頭家對電腦跟網路的認識+功力, 區區一個 router 怎麼可能會搞不定! 所以我說一定是那 router 在搞鬼。

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


今午看 CNN 新聞的時候聽到一篇報導教人家怎麼“消除” 因聖誕節和新年吃吃喝喝而多出來的脂肪﹑恢復苗條身段. 我一聽就很不屑的叫說這些人真無聊﹐ 既已吃喝下肚回頭卻擔心影響身材. 一點都不 responsible. They should have thought of that before they ate all those food.

我頭家這時在旁邊﹐也不曉得有沒有聽到我所發表的偉大演說﹐只見他瞇瞇的笑. 我就靠過去說...

影子: 嗯... 其實我這是在講大話因為我的 sweetie 不介意我大吃大喝。
頭家: 我為什麼要介意妳大吃大喝﹖
影子: 對啊。 所以我才說我這是在講大話。

頭家深情的眼睛在看著 。。。 No, 不是在看我 。。。 是在盯著他的電腦螢幕看。

影子: 哎!! 你有沒有聽到我在講什麼﹖
頭家: 有啊。
影子: 有? 哪我在講什麼﹖
頭家: 妳在講大話

*影子暗忖* 咦... 不錯哦﹐還真有在聽我在講什麼.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


登記這個 blog 已經有一段時日了。 原來是想把舊的一個部落格裡的舊文搬來這裡後從新開始。 可可可。。。 可是。。。 那天去看了一下﹐ 算了一下﹐gosh!! 我那舊說多不多說少不少也有好幾十張貼文。 看了看﹐ 想了想﹐ 又看了看 。。。 唉。。。 那股衝勁就涼掉了。

跟我頭家抱怨我的困境﹐他說看看是不是可以幫我寫個程式﹐ 好讓我簡易+速成的搬家。 嗯。。。 想想﹐我看我還是先開張吧。 至於舊文就 。。。 再說吧。 何況舊臺那裡我還是會讓那些舊文留著。