Sunday, May 27, 2007

[Taste of Summer Dinner 夏日晚餐] with recipes

The weather is becoming more and more summery lately - heat, humidity, stuffiness, you name it!! Tho' it's quite strange that rain and thunderstorms seem to be lingering around quite a bit in the last few days.

Anyhow... with the rising temperature, it just makes you wanting to have light meals instead of heavy ones. There goes the casseroles, beef/pork stew, ... c'ya in say... 6mths!! >o< OK... this is one of the light meals that we had in the last few weeks. 天氣越來越炎熱。可以感覺夏天的腳步已在不遠處。 奇怪的是﹐我們南部這裡這幾天卻是雷雨交加。 溫度一昇高﹐很自然的就會想吃輕﹑淡﹑低卡的食物。 那些砂鍋菜﹑需要燜﹑燒﹑燉的就暫時告別一段日子。等天氣稍微轉涼了再說吧。。。呵呵~ 好啦。。。 以下就是其中一套我們的夏日晚餐。

Entree: Oven Baked Salmon with Citrus Juice
Side: Roasted Vege with Cheese & Herb Sprinkles
Side: Easy Peasy Angel Hair Pasta Toss In Olive Oil & Cilantro

Roasted Vegetables
Potatoes, quartered
Carrots, big chunks
Zucchini, 1/2 inch rounds
Sweet potatoes (kumara, yam), big chunks
Olive oil
Garlic and ginger
Herbs: thyme, oregano, parsley (can be substituted with dried herbs)
Garlic and onion seasoning (optional)
Lemon pepper (can be substituted with just salt and pepper)
Cheeses: Parmesan and Provolone

1. Blanch the potatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes in boiling water for a few minutes. Drain.

2. Put the vegetables (including zucchini) and garlic ginger in a baking sheet and toss with olive oil, herbs, and garlic and onion seasoning. Season well with lemon pepper. Spread out on the baking sheet.

3. Roast in a 400F oven for 30mins, until golden brown. Grate and sprinkle the Parmesan and Provolone cheeses on top. Serve hot.

Baked Salmon

Salmon filet
Garlic mince
Zest and juice of 1 lime and 1 lemon
Olive oil
Garlic pepper

1. In a baking dish, drizzle a little olive oil, swirl so it's well coated. Put the salmon filet in the dish, sprinkle with the garlic mince and lemon and lime zest. Season well with the garlic pepper. Mix the juice with 1 tspn of olive oil, then drizzle onto the salmon.

2. Bake for 20 mins (350F). Serve well with roasted vegetables.

Friday, May 25, 2007


週末去逛山姆舅舅的時候看到一種名字有夠特別的水果 --- Aprium。
{啊啊啊} 是 Aprium 是 Aprium!!
Aprium 到底是蝦米東東﹖為什麼會讓我在大眾廣庭之下如此尖叫咧﹖
Aprium 就是 cross hybrid of apricot and plum。詳細一點呢是 3/4 apricot + 1/4 plum。之前有在雜誌上看過這種新品種的介紹﹐可是在超市追蹤了好幾次就是沒看過有在賣。 所以這次既已給我看到了﹐那無論如何我都要扛一盒回去。

我在車上已迫不及待的吃了兩顆。 ^.^"
嗯。。。 還不錯吃。With the 3/4 apricot in parentage, 味道跟 apricot 很像很像﹐可是質感卻比較偏向 plum。 熟了的 aprium 是呈紅色的﹐apricot 本身就算熟透了也還是桔色的。我們分了一些 aprium 給公公婆婆試吃。問公公好不好吃﹐他說吃起來跟 plum 沒什麼兩樣。 @-@

除了 Aprium﹐另外還有幾種 apricot 和 plum 的混血兒。
pluot = 3/4 plum + 1/4 apricot
plumcot = 1/2 plum + 1/2 apricot
peacotum = peach + apricot + plum (個別是多少的成份就不曉得了)

還不錯吃的 Aprium
像 Apricot 多過像 Plum 的 Aprium

Thursday, May 24, 2007

[Forever Stamp - 永遠的郵票]

米國這裡的郵費上個禮拜一 (May 14) 漲價了。上一次漲價也才不過是2年前 (2005) 而已。這次也是漲 2c﹐從 39c 漲到 41c! 這一下漲了2c還不說﹐USPS (United States Postal Service) 還加了一堆奇奇怪怪的 rules。新郵費的 details 在這裡

還好家裡 39c 的郵票剩下 20 張不到﹐兩年前買的 2c 郵票 (為了從 37c 漲到 39c而買的) 也剛好夠給剩下的 39c 用。要不然剩下一堆零零散散的郵票﹐how annoying!! 我個人是覺得 USPS 郵費漲得太頻繁了一點。為什麼不一次漲個 50c﹐然後維持 5年?!

說到郵費上漲﹐印象中我們紐西蘭的郵費沒漲得這麼兇。在 1995 ~ 2003年之間才漲了一次﹐好像是從 42c 漲到 45c。45c 的 rate 好像也就一直維持到現在。前幾天看網路新聞才知道紐西蘭郵局在今年6月一號起也要提高郵費。普通郵件由 45c 漲至 50c。紐西蘭新郵費的 details 在這裡

USPS 在宣佈提高郵費的同時也推出了「永遠的郵票」。所謂「永遠的郵票」呢就是不管將來郵價(不是油價, that's another story!!) 飆到多高﹐還是有效。譬如說﹕將來一張普通信封的郵費是 55c﹐那妳只要貼一張「永遠的郵票」就搞掂了。對目前 41c 的郵費來說用「永遠的郵票」是沒什麼差﹐因為這「永遠的郵票」同樣一張是 41c!


A book of 20 Forever Stamps
Liberty Bell design on the Forever Stamps
First Day Of Issue for the Forever Stamp #1
First Day Of Issue for the Forever Stamp #2

Other internet news about the new USPS postal rates:

Size matters, so does shape under new postal rates

New postal rates take effect Monday

Postal rates set to rise May 14

New postal rates take effect

Monday, May 14, 2007





不管怎麼說,影子懷恨在心,一心想要找機會要回來。這一天,機 ─ 會 ─ 終 ─ 於 ─ 來 ─ 了─ ─ ─









影子還楞在那裡想說 damn 怎麼沒砍到,頭家繼續正經八百地說:





頭家執筆﹔影子代 po & 笑到唏哩嘩啦

Thursday, May 10, 2007

[Crochet Cushions - 椅墊]

Crochetted this set of 4 seat cushions to replace the old ones a few months ago. These took me 2 weeks to make which shouldn't really be . As the pattern was the simplest of the simplest "1 tr + 1 ch". On top of that, it's just a square cushions, 1 big square for the front and 2 flaps for the back, THAT'S IT!! But since I wasn't investing my time fully on it, it was drag on to be a 2wks project.

Mmmm... 其實應該不需要2個星期這麼久﹐因為針法是再簡單不過的 1 tr + 1 ch 且又是簡單的方形套子。可因為我是做1天停3天﹐所以才會變成2個星期的工程。

Trio of the Quartette - 四人幫裡的三劍客
With crochet button - 加扣
In close-up - 看清楚一點


A baldy button - 圓禿禿的鈕釦
Is it really that comfy? I wanna try it out too

14.5" x 14.5"織好
14.5" x 14.5"
Materials (for 1 cushion)Worsted Weight Yarn:
  • Aspen Print 5 ounces: 1 skein
Crochet Hook:
  • size J/10; 6.00mm
  • Aspen Print (多色線) 5安士: 1綑
  • J/10號; 6.00mm
spent (to make 4)
2 weeks 鉤織
時間 (4個套子)

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

[ cartoon]

上個星期逛 - Cartoons of the Week 時看到這幅帶有相當諷刺成份的漫畫。


這與約兩個月前美國的寵物飼料發現有感染物﹐造成一些貓狗在吃了飼料後離奇死亡有關。這起事件所引起的社會恐慌跟年初的菠菜跟生菜含有 E.Coli (大腸菌) 與花生醬含有 salmonella (沙門氏菌)不相上下。

三月底左右經過美國 FDA 多方追查後發現材料源自中國。後來發現這些用源自中國材料的飼料中有 melamine 化學物的滲入。根據 FDA 的報告﹐到目前為之已有超過 4,000 隻貓狗因吃了感染的飼料而死。除此之外這起事件也造成美國有史以來最大的寵物飼料回收 (超過 100 種品牌)。
前幾天看 CNN 和一些網路新聞的報導﹐才發現事情會鬧成這樣的其中一個原因是中國一出口商 (Xuzhou Anying Biologic Technology Development Co.) 為了避過出口單位檢查而虛報產品為非食品。根據網路報紙所載﹐如果在飼料的原料 wheat gluten (不知道中文叫什麼) 中加入 chemical melamine 的話會讓這些原料看起來有比較高的蛋白質。而高的蛋白質的原料呢就可以賣得比較好的價錢。

貓狗在中國可能一文不值 (除了賣貓肉狗肉的黑心店)﹐多一隻少一隻也不會有多少人關心。

美國 FDA 現在最關切的問題之一是這些加了 melamine 的原料 (wheat gluten) 有沒有用在人食用的產品上。而 USDA 最近也發現全美有近 20 millions 隻雞也許也食用了受感染的飼料。所以人如果食用了含有 melamine 的產品或吃了喂養含有 melamine 飼料的雞的雞肉是不是對人體有害﹖Errr... 目前還不是很清楚。
只希望不要像吃了有 Mad Cow Disease 的牛肉一樣﹐有很長的潛伏期。等病發的時候也是 say bye-bye 的時候。

說到 Made In China (MIC) 的產品。我們對標著 MIC 的東西一概略過。不單單是吃的東西我們不買中國製造或加工﹐MIC 的用具跟電器也一律跳過。
有的人會認為我們這樣做有點 nitpicking﹐反正又不是吃進肚子的﹐應該不會有什麼問題﹐不用這麼“吹毛求疵”。我可不這麼認為。。。

拿非常普遍的 non-stick baking sheet (不沾烤盤) 來說好了。雖只是把食物放在上面烤一烤﹐要吃也不是吃那烤盤。可誰知道上面那層 coating 他們是用什麼材料﹖有照法訂的材料和製作方法做嗎﹖如果沒有的話﹐ 那放在這張烤盤上的食物在經過烤箱的高溫處理後還可不可吃﹖

跳過 MIC 產品不買那好處是什麼﹑壞處又是那些﹖
壞處嘛就是看起來好吃的東西我們都沒吃到﹑有些用 $5 就可以買得到的中國貨﹐同樣的東西不同的製造國我們卻要用更貴的價錢去買。
好處捏。。。 就是吃得開心﹑用得安心。為了健康與安全﹐有些東西我們寧願不吃﹑寧願多花一些銀子。拿什麼當賭注都無所謂﹐唯有 health & personal safety 說什麼也不能 compromised!!

以下是有關這起寵物飼料遭感染的一些新聞。要不然上網打上 keyword -> "pet food china scandal" goggle 一下﹐也可以找到許多相關消息。

Chinese exporter in pet food recall scandal avoided export declarations, U.S. report says

Links Chinese Companies To Widening Pet-Food Scandal

Chinese Send Mixed Signals Regarding Poisoned Pet Food Scandal

China Detains Man In Tainted Pet Food Scandal

Monday, April 30, 2007

[Asparagus+Mushroom+Potatoes Frittata]

上個星期吃飯吃膩了。。。就做了這道 frittata。
這道 frittata 的材料基本上就是冰箱/儲藏室裡有什麼就下什麼。不需要動什麼太大的腦筋。

洋蘑菇 (切片)
蘆荀 (切段 [留五條不切]﹐川燙)
馬鈴薯 (煮熟﹐切塊)
雞蛋 (打散)﹑鮮奶油
適當調味 - 鹽巴﹑胡椒粉

saute garlic and onions
add in sliced mushroom
mix in potatoes, asparagus & chicken shreds
加入馬鈴薯, 蘆荀 & 雞絲

1. 炒香蒜頭﹐加洋蔥﹐炒至洋蔥稍軟即可。
2. 加入切片的洋蘑菇。用中小火﹐以免蘑菇未軟先乾。
3. 當蘑菇炒至軟時加入馬鈴薯﹑蘆荀和雞絲。翻炒均勻。加入調味。

pour in the egg & cream mixture
use spears of asparagus for decor
bake until golden brown

4. 倒入調好的打散雞蛋和鮮奶油。轉中火。
5. 用蘆荀裝飾好後即可蓋上鍋蓋。燜 5 至 8 分鐘 (註1)。
6. 開鍋蓋﹐放入烤箱 (350F) 烤至表皮金黃即可。(註2)

註1﹕這要看鍋子而定。如果是用厚鍋底 (有 heat retention 的功能) 那 5 ~ 8 分鐘就可以了。如果是用普通鍋子的話那可能需要久一些。
後記﹕做 frittata 的好處就是它可以變幻無窮 (只要味道配對就好了)。 不一定要用跟以上同樣的材料。

Saturday, April 28, 2007

[Farmer's Market @Rice U]

無意中在稻米大學的校園裡碰到 farmer's market (農夫市集??)。一直有想要到這裡的 fm 去看看 。。。 無奈他們通常都是週末透早就開始買賣了。透早有多早? Errr。。。 大約早上7點左右。嘿﹐拜託這很早捏! 介于時間上的衝突。。。我們一直無緣到這裡的任何一個 fm 企晃過。

不過就在前幾天回家的路上看到 fm 的看板﹐我跟頭家說我們無論如何一定要進去看看。去 fm 最主要是看看能不能買到一些新鮮的蔬果。喜歡在 fm 買蔬果是因為通常在這裡賣的農作物絕大部份都是有機物。說不定還是在自家後院種的捏! ^,* 可是很不巧的等到我們去的時候東西都已經賣得差不多了。 剩下的就是一些乳酪﹑咖啡豆﹑義大利冰淇淋和非營利/慈善機構的攤位在賣一些手工藝品和餅乾糖果。

厚! 我們才逛了幾個攤位雨就開始傾盆的下。可是很爭氣的頭家跟我可是沒有因為這樣就空手而回。 呵呵~ 看看我們買了什麼。

Bumped into this at Rice U by chance on one afternoon. Have been wanting to go to the farmer's market here for quite some time but but but ... they start REALLY early in the morning. Something like ... 7am. Hey! that's too freaking early for me alright! So... cos' of this "inconvenience", we have been putting off trips to the farmer's market.

Anyhoo... I saw sign of farmer's market on our home (that fateful day ^,^) and told the hubby WE HAVE to go and have a look. What I had in mind was to buy some produce --- fruits and vegie, fresh from the farmers' garden or farm. The produce sold here is mostly 100% organic, and could very well be grown in their own backyard. However, by the time we're there most produce had already gone. What's left were booths seelling cheeses, coffee beans, gelato and a few charity or non-profit organisations selling craft and confectionery.

We only visited a few booths when the rain started pouring. But we didn't come empty handed. =)

Entrance of the Farmer's Market
Other beautiful designs
Reminds me of our pigeon babies

Take a pic b4 it's all gone!
*muah muah*

We bought this tin of cookies from The Center (Serving Persons With Mental Retardation). They have 3 different flavors --- gingersnaps (which we chose), cheesesnaps (has very strong cheese flavor, a little too salty for me) and crunchy chocolate nuggets (has chunks of chocolate). Other than that they also have Brandied Nut Cake and Traditional Fruitcake. More info about them can be found from their website and if interested may order from them online, they ship around the US of A (with a fraction of shipping cost of course).

The design on the top of the tin is individually designed by their residents. Inside, you will find the person's name and I assumed they signed it themselves too. Very unique!

Oooh and the volunteers at their booth were very friendly, probably a few of the friendliest ppl we've met!

我們還買了一盒兩個口味的 gelato。 我選 Espresso Kahlua﹐頭家選木瓜口味。
可惜還沒來得及留下它們的倩影就被我們粗光光啦。看倌們就自行想像 gelato 美味可口的樣子吧! >o<

We also bought a small carton of two-flavor gelato. I chose Espresso Kahlua and hubby picked papaya. Shame that we finsihed the whole thing before I remember to take a pic of it. So... you guys just have to picture the gelato in your mind then. =))

Monday, April 23, 2007

[週末「不懶吃」 - Weekend Brunch]

週末一到總會想要弄點 “un-千篇一律”的東東來吃。
平日的早餐除了“傳統”的 PBJ (peanut butter & jam) 麵包就是自己烤的蛋糕 --- 吃久了多少會覺得膩。

禮拜六中早在廚房晃了晃想到早餐 “又吃 PBJ” 自己就先皺眉頭。我頭家他是嘸嫌﹐他哦最好是每餐都吃花生醬!

我看了看冰箱﹐嘿有了。。。 前兩天才買的 smoked Gouda 還沒動咧。好吧﹐就來做客 grilled sandwich with smoked Gouda 當「不懶吃」。當然這三明治理除了 smoked Gouda 之外還有別的。

smoked cheese 或什麼 cheese 都好﹐隨意。不一定要 smoked 也不一定要用 Gouda。

麵包一塊塗 Blue Cheese dressing 然後鋪上 avocado 片。接著就放喜歡的材料。 我呢一客放了番茄 + beef bologna 然後再塗上少許的 Blue Cheese dressing﹐鋪上一塊稍微比麵包大一點點的 smoked Gouda 之後再蓋上另一片麵包。

另外一客呢同樣的﹐一塊麵包塗 Blue Cheese dressing 然後鋪上 avocado 片除了放番茄 + beef bologna 外還加了 baby spinach + 切薄片的 mushroom + blackbean﹐鋪上 smoked Gouda 之後蓋上另一片麵包。

都弄好了就可以 GRILL 嘍!! 兩面都要﹐不要到時一面黑一面白的說我沒講清楚。 ^,^

我建議如果三明治要 grill 的話不要加生菜。因為生菜一入火 (特別是 grill or bake) 不用多久就會變黑﹐影響食感跟美感﹐所以建議不要加。當然如果您喜歡吃黑黑的生菜的話﹐go for it, no one is gonna stop you!! =))

The Original!!
The Special with added ingredients!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

[Crochet Toys]

Am I an octopus? Or a spider?
A sunglasses-wearing cool-looking turtle
Little birdie pin cushion
I whipped these little guys up over the past few days. Each only took me a few hours to make. I never know there is this much fun making tiny little toys. ^,*

Little birdie #2
Made this to give as a gift.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

[Easter 2007]

I am not a christian nor am I a catholic but comes Easter, you'll be sure to find me making and baking hot cross buns in the kitchen. It's a tradition that I "created" a few years ago while living in New Zealand. I guess it's just so I've another reason to do more baking in the kitchen. =))

Instead of using just sultanas or raisins, I used dried cranberries + raisins this year. My preference is to have them roughly chopped and soaked in fruit juice (preferably orange juice, cranberry juice or apple juice) when working on the dough. This way they'll be puff and juicy when the dough is ready for them. Another reason that I chopped and soaked them is so they're not as hard and chewey after all the baking in the oven. I love using dried fruits in my baking but I really really really (yep, I'm emphasizing it) hate having to fish them out when they're stuck on or between my teeth while I'm eating them. Don't you?

Oooh, I must also mention that this dough is by far the best dough I've ever used for breads, buns or rolls, specially hot cross buns, of course. I left them uncovered in the oven overnight and suprise suprise they were still soft and moist and ready to be eaten ^,^ in the morning. The previous recipes that I've used, the buns had always became a little hard and dried the day after. Even if I covered or stored them in a bread container.

Ahhh, another Easter tradition of mine is to eat lotz and lotz and lotz... of chocolates! Not that I haven't eaten enough of it in the rest of the 360-something-days!! T.T

HOT cross buns - fresh from the oven
A smiley & shiney hot cross bun
The recipe for the featured hot cross buns was adapted from William Sonoma Baking with a few modifications of my own.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

[OMG 一筆之差]

今天頭家拿一則新聞來跟影子分享: 把陳鳥當陳烏 扁錯認祖先

原來,陳水扁在 2000 年當選總統後,迫不及待地託友人到中國尋根,找到中國福建省詔安縣太平鎮白葉村星斗樓的客家人「陳」,說是陳總統的祖先。為了表現「慎宗追遠」的精神,陳總統每年清明節祭拜「祖先」,就這樣將「陳」拜了六年,也當了六年的客家人。不但如此,中國當局為了宣傳台灣「領導人」是來自中國,還花了大筆銀子『建設白葉村陳氏星斗樓,成為觀光景點』。


頭家解釋著:『原來,陳總統出生地的台灣台南縣的官田村西庄陳氏,記載著西庄陳氏的祖先就叫「陳」,神主牌也記著「詔安縣三都磁窯村」,但是之前陳水扁的友人卻誤讀為「陳」,才會搞出這麼大的「龍」來。很奇怪的是,西庄陳氏並沒有人會講客家話,不知道陳水扁為什麼完全不起疑 ......』



Friday, April 06, 2007














『話說以前在一個鄉下地方,有一個 ───』


頭家楞了一下,轉念說:『哦!對,農夫 ──』








影子:『OK OK OK ...』(偷笑中。。。)





頭家執筆﹔影子代 po

Monday, April 02, 2007

[Black Sesame Coffee Cake 黑芝麻咖啡蛋糕]

I'd seen this recipe on my recipe book many times and... I flipped pass it everytime, it never hits me to want to try it out. I don't know why, somehow I just couldn't relate the black sesame seeds to cakes. Sesame seeds to me ... ummmm... is more of an ingredient for a savoury taste. Prejudice against the sesame seeds? You bet! Anyhow, I was able to get myself outta the prejudice cage and give this sesame seed cake a try.

Here are the ingredients and the could-be-easier way to make it!

  • 180g margarine
  • 150g castor sugar
  • 1/2tspn vanilla essence
  • 3 eggs
  • 300g self-raising flour
  • 100g toasted black
    sesame seeds, ground
  • 3Tbspn fresh milk
  • 180g 麵包油
  • 150g 糖
  • 1/2茶匙 vanilla 香精
  • 3粒 雞蛋
  • 300g 自發粉
  • 100g 炒香黑芝麻,
  • 3湯匙 鮮奶
Oven Temp/
360F(180C) /45分鐘


Grinding the black sesame seeds --- 把黑芝麻磨碎
Medium ground black sesame seeds --- 把黑芝麻磨成~6分碎
1. Preheat oven to 360F(180C).
2. Butter and flour a 7" cake or bundt tin.
3. Grind the black sesame seeds using an electric grinder if you don't already have these available on hand. I prefer them medium ground, sort of 1/2-ground and 1/2-granulated. The aroma of the sesame seeds smells great and it makes the cake tastes better too.
4. Beat (A) until creamy, add in the eggs and beat until fluffy.

1. 先將烤箱預熱至 360F (180C)。
2. 將 9-inch 的圓模型抹油撒粉。
3. 把黑芝麻磨碎。我只把黑芝麻磨得~6分碎 --- 個人這樣味道比較香且口感也比較佳。
4. 將(A)料打至滑﹐加入雞蛋後打至鬆白。

Mix well and ready for the oven --- 拌勻後就可以入烤箱了
5. Stir (B) into (4), mix well. Pour into the prepared tin and bake for 45mins or until skewer comes out clean..

5. 把(B)加入(4)中﹐拌勻。倒入模型中﹐放入烤箱烤 45 分鐘。

Snowflakes on the cake? --- 雪花飄飄?
Dragon fruit in the cake? --- 有沒有像火龍果﹖
It changes my perception and prejudice about using sesame seeds (black or white) in cakes after the first bite! I really didn't think it's this good. It gets better with each bite and each chew. For those of you who loves the taste and aroma of sesame seeds, I urge you to try this out.

Friday, March 30, 2007

[Ghirardelli 抽獎游戲]

頭家最近發動了一種每日必行的游戲。游戲的所需物件跟規則都很簡單。所需物件呢就是一包巧克力 (最好是裡面還有許多個別小包裝的那種)和一只手。規則咧。。。哎唷﹐就像抽獎釀嘛﹐手伸到袋子裡面去﹐邋一邋後捉一個。哪有什麼規則?!
這個游戲的好處是那個所需物件就是獎品。所以妳不用另外再備獎品。 看!多省事啊!!


Ghirardelli Intense Dark 的外貌
在山姆舅舅家買的。是黑巧克力哦﹐這麼大一包才 US$9.98。而且好像怎麼抽怎麼吃都抽不完吃不完似的。

家附近沒有山姆舅舅又喜歡黑巧克力的嘛。。。 就就就。。。咬牙切齒的到這裡來流流口水吧。走的時候記得幫我把地板拖一拖就好了。

Ghirardelli Intense Dark 的“內涵”
總共有3種口味。抽到什麼口味呢就完全看您的造化您的福份囉。奇怪的是﹐要說3種口味其實不多﹐抽的時候﹐不是抽到 A 就是 B﹐不是 B 就是 C。可是不管抽到哪一種每次都會有那份中獎的驚喜和喜悅。 ^!^

Ghirardelli Intense Dark 的價值觀
看! Trans Fat 是 0g 呢!! 還是每4小塊咧。hohoho。。。 多健康。至於 Saturated Fat 是多少﹐tskkk... 妳就睜隻眼閉隻眼﹐往好的那處看嘛。啊﹐還有還有。。。Cholesterol (膽固醇) 跟 sodium (鈉) 也都是 0mg﹐0% 哦。厚! 還真的是健康食品!!

Ghirardelli Squares 的外貌
Ghirardelli Squares 的價值觀
這是去年買的聖誕節應景巧克力。前天看到還剩下3﹑5包也把它倒到我們的抽獎袋裡湊熱鬧。這包就沒前面那 Intense Dark 健康了。每3小塊的 Trans Fat 有 0.5g﹐Cholesterol 跟 Sodium 分別是 1% 跟 2%。

雖然這個的 Saturated Fat 比 Intense Dark 的少。不過﹐像我之前講的選妳要看的看﹐剩下的就當沒看到就好了。

Ghirardelli 排排坐吃糖果
讓我來告訴妳如何進入 G 的世界
妳會想「拜託﹐這這這。。。 這種常識還需要教哦?!」 YES!!! 有需要!!! I can reassure you that 就是有人不知道怎麼打開 Ghirardelli 這種包裝而拆得唏哩嘩啦弄得滿手滿腳的都是巧克力。

嘿頭家! 你不要對號入座﹐我不是在說你哦。我說的是 “有人”﹐這個人不一定就是你。雖然可能性很高可不一定是你