How to WHAT???
How to Remove a Hickey? **???
Yep, my eyes is perfectly right, they didn't play any trick on me. It's well and truly "How to remove a hickey"? that I'm reading on my personalized Google homepage's "How to of the day".
Now see, the "How to of the Day" is kinda like a treasure box full of how-to jewels. If you have any "how to" questions that have been bothering you, the wikiHow is THE place you should be. Well, you could hop on the wikiHow site looking for some how-to's even if you don't have any how-to questions. heheheheeee....
They have (just about) everything, anything ... millions, literally, millions of how-to on their site. Some of them are practical (like "How to remove a hickey? you ask? =)), some are 2-part practical with 8-part hilarious - - - like this one: How to sleep comfortably on a hot night? or this one: How to have a perfect back to school makeover?
Tho'... there are some other Wiki how-to's that I question the virtuouness:
How to be a mean girl?
How to become the queen bee of your whole entire school?
Life for the youngster, the teenagers is complicated enough, I don't think we need such information to complicate it further more! Do we??
same article was also posted on Shadow's old villa